Along the same lines as my last post, there is another critical window of time in a child's life. A time that we have the change to influence for good! The preschool years are also VERY important! According to Hohmann's book, Kids Making A Difference, crucial attitudes are developed in these years that are very hard to change once the child gets older. "These attitudes include how a child feels about God, the church, and authority."
Our relationships with the kids make the difference! You can try teach them facts about God and the Bible all day long, but if you don't KNOW that child, they are less likely to receive from you. We need to love those kids like crazy for the short amounts of time that they are with us! We are their models of God, authority, and the church! That's a big responsibility that we shouldn't take lightly!
Our relationships with the kids make the difference! You can try teach them facts about God and the Bible all day long, but if you don't KNOW that child, they are less likely to receive from you. We need to love those kids like crazy for the short amounts of time that they are with us! We are their models of God, authority, and the church! That's a big responsibility that we shouldn't take lightly!