Hi Kids Staff!
I am starting a new CMUO.com (Children's Ministry University Online) class today, called "Evangelizing Children", and hope to be updating this blog more often with everything I'm learning! I hope to bring you all alongside me, so that we can learn and grow together as a team!
Today was the very first day of class, and I'm already learning so much! One nugget, from George Barna, really hit me though: "The most effective evangelists are the most obedient and committed Christians.". Here's what I know to be true: you cannot fully convince anyone - much less a kid - of something that you are not fully convinced of yourself! So, the most important thing to remember about teaching children is not really about teaching children at all! It's about you. Your personal life between you and Jesus. It affects your teaching, it affect the kids, it affects everything!
So, here's the reminder for the week: Spend time with Jesus! Get into the Word, find some quiet time with Him. Isaiah 55:11 says, "It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it." In other words, NOTHING bad could possibly come from reading the word! It always produces fruit! What do you have to lose?
I am starting a new CMUO.com (Children's Ministry University Online) class today, called "Evangelizing Children", and hope to be updating this blog more often with everything I'm learning! I hope to bring you all alongside me, so that we can learn and grow together as a team!
Today was the very first day of class, and I'm already learning so much! One nugget, from George Barna, really hit me though: "The most effective evangelists are the most obedient and committed Christians.". Here's what I know to be true: you cannot fully convince anyone - much less a kid - of something that you are not fully convinced of yourself! So, the most important thing to remember about teaching children is not really about teaching children at all! It's about you. Your personal life between you and Jesus. It affects your teaching, it affect the kids, it affects everything!
So, here's the reminder for the week: Spend time with Jesus! Get into the Word, find some quiet time with Him. Isaiah 55:11 says, "It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it." In other words, NOTHING bad could possibly come from reading the word! It always produces fruit! What do you have to lose?
We're so glad to have you Candacein the course!